The Mission

Our Mission at the Wicked Collective is to create a space, both physical and online, in which artists of all mediums can come together to collaborate, share equipment, organize events, and more. We aim to build a network where shared resources and sustainable practices can serve to liberate artists, especially those of lesser privilege, from the typical 9 to 5 and allow them to focus on creation.

The Vision

We imagine a world where artists can show up to the Wicked Collective, and ultimately other collectives, and simply create. We see facilities with massive ranges of equipment from silk presses, sewing machines, and woodshops to CDC machines and 3D printers. A world where venues are artist owned and events serve the creators and their communities. We envision a sustainable world where an abundance of food and other necessities allow for the facilitation of artistic and higher pursuits in life.



The ultimate goal of the Wicked Collective is create a space which fosters creativity, therefore Creativity must remain the most important Pillar of the Collective. We must find creative solutions for the problems facing the art community.



In order to achieve a goal of artistic independence we must learn and apply sustainable practices. From growing our own food to installing solar and all practices in between we can, once again, focus on art and creativity.



Education is the key to a bright future, without it a creative and sustainable world is impossible. Educating ourselves on the best ways to move forward in all areas will create a resilient enterprise.



None of this could be possible without the help and support of our local communities. Wherever the Collective may ultimately land, a great relationship with the immediate community will be paramount. Through volunteer work, youth outreach, and various other programs, Wicked plans to aid in filling the gaps in modern community.