The Current Plan

        As we move forward with our plan it is important to keep in mind that the Wicked Collective is just that, a Collective, and though we, the founders, have a specific plan for moving forward it is not necessarily concrete. As the group grows and more commit to the ideas we have put forth, plans will change in order to fit the needs and desires of the group as a whole. As more musicians become interested we will work toward organizing shows, as more photographers we will hold collaborative photoshoots, and so on. That being said, we are currently in Phase 1 which focuses more on website and the online community that the Wicked Collective hopes to create. 

        The goal of Phase 1 is the creation of the initial community, both active participants and fans alike. While much of this is taking place on various social media sites and the internet, we intend for this to also include the formation of more concrete relationships between artists who may not have otherwise met and who desire to collaborate and help to create a cooperative space for all types of artists. We encourage those interested to reach out not only to us but to others in the group and discuss the possibilities of working together in the art world. Toward the end of this phase we also plan to hold events to move further. 

Moving Forward

           We plan for Phase 1 to take about a year depending on the level of participation and commitment, which at the moment is looking great! After a team is more solidified the next move is to acquire a physical space. At the most basic we would like a space in which to build a multi-media studio for recording, animating, editing, painting, etc. If everything moves into place a space with land for modern, sustainable agriculture, a workshop, a venue, and more would, of course, be desirable. While this a bit far off, there are a few prospective spots being looked at. Beside this, the current crew working to create the Collective have quite a bit of studio equipment as a whole and are continuing to invest in more. 

The Future Possibilities

          While we have a detailed list of phases moving forward we understand that time may change things and though planning is good, we must adapt to that change. In any case, if anyone is interested in seeing this plan we are more than happy to share it with anyone! Otherwise, here are some of the more exciting ideas we, and others, have brought up:

  • Maker's Space/Workshop/Fab Lab

  • Cottage Industry Incubator

  • Bed and Breakfast

  • Instrument Workshop

  • Cafe, Bar, and Lounge

  • Industrial Kitchen

  • UpCycling Center

  • Local News/Media Outlet